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"Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle"


with Ciara Christoph, CBS.

Meet Ciara


Growing up with holistic health has been a big part of my life.  I experinced many different alternative approaches to better my health as a child, versus the traditional way of the western medicine. I am very greatful for that upbringing.  Looking back I realize this is truly where my journey began. I decided that this was something I wanted to share with others. I wanted people that I cared about to have the same opportunity and experince that I did, being able to make choices for thier health and be invloved in their healing journey. I belive this is an important piece of the process.


Profesionally I began pursuing my passion as a Certified biofeedback Specialist in 2006. Offering clients “Drugless Healthcare Solutions” and currently a member of the Board of Advanced Natural Health Sciences.  Biofeedback is the hub of my practice. Since then I have branched out utilizing Cold Wave Laser Therpay and Advanced Thai Abdominal Massage. These modalities compliment eachother very well and offer clients a wide range of non-invasive alternative health options.





Greek Parsley Salad

Feel Good - Greek Flare - Parsely heals

Get Inspired in Your Kitchen.....


Take a look into some of my favourite cooking creations made with love. Here you will find a little bit of everything. You can expect anything from our family classic recipes to recipes I use for everyday cooking.  



This is a place where you will find various stories written by me!  Topics vary from Life, family, feelings, my experinces, advice, health & wellness. Pick a topic that peaks you interest and enjoy your read! 

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